
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Veterinary Equine Podiatry Group

Newly formed group looks to organize and define Equine Podiatry as it refers to the Veterinary Practices.
According to VEPG chairman Mark Silverman, MS, DVM of Sport Horse Veterinary Practice in Rancho Santa Fe, California, the group exists for the express purpose of setting a standard for the qualifications and role of a veterinary equine podiatrist. 
Unlike other countries, in the United States each state is responsible for establishing its own veterinary practice laws and qualifications. There have been many attempts to regulate farriers through state veterinary regulation. Is that the goal of this group? I personally think developing a board certification for Equine Podiatry is a good idea, But the facts may show that demand will out weigh the number of veterinarians willing to become board certified. Our horses do deserve to have the best podiatry care available, but when the number of horses needing help out number the available care providers, what then? As it is there are very few veterinarians that want to do farrier work. I think the greater need is for education at the the farrier level, education that will allow the farrier and veterinarian to work together.  Follow this link for a more information.

1 comment:

  1. Mind boggling focuses. Sound contentions. Keep up the considerable work.
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